Tuesday 4 October 2011

The Words on the Page

The below is an extract from a fictional piece I've been working on for a little while now.

Hi, I’ll be your narrator this evening. Please allow me to introduce you to my chosen medium—this is my job as a writer after all. Words, meet our audience. And you, dear reader, meet my words. You two are going to get along great. I just know it.
If you really want to have some fun, take the phone off the hook, place a lamp beside your favourite reading spot, turn off all the other lights and make sure it’s very quiet. Don’t stop reading for anything—you might miss something important. Go on, I’ll wait for you here…

Love to know what you think,


Lucia Nardo said...

We're sounding alike!

Unknown said...

Ha! Must have been in the same frame of mind over the weekend :)

I have another 1,500 words after these first paragraphs. As a whole, the piece works well, but lacks something that refuses to present its self. Might be time to rest it for a few weeks...
